Friday, April 30, 2010


Friday, September 14, 2007

Sai Maa - The Love of Thousand Mothers

The Love of Thousand Mothers

Each of you knows the love of a single mother only. But My Affection, My Love towards each one of you is that of a thousand Mothers!

~Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.

Now-a-days, as the devotees are growing day-by-day, the Lord seems to be moving farther from us. But I do not subscribe to this viewpoint. How can I? He does not give me a chance to do so. Every time, I feel Swami is not responding to me and start complaining, He embraces and envelopes me in such a huge Love. And then I realize, it was always my yearning that lacked, but never His response. He has always been there, ready to guide and care for.

Will a mother's Love ever get diluted as she begets more children? If we carefully read the above sentence, Swami says, "My Love towards each one of you is that of a thousand Mothers!" So, each one of us has got our "own share" of thousand-mothers- love, and not just one thousand-mothers- love distributed over all of us!

Let me share my experience in this context. Earlier, I used to sleep a lot in the Darshan Hall while waiting for the Lord to arrive. But this time, I could not sleep because of the beautiful game He played. He avoided close Darshans to me, and that left me longing. The pining took away my complacence. And all the time, I was praying and pleading for His kindness. The waiting time,thus proved excellently fruitful, in increasing my concentration, as it was supposed to.

However, since my body usually needs more than the amount of sleep I was then having at Prasanthi, I used to feel giddy and tired during day-time. Every night, I try to sleep early, but somehow I get delayed, conversing with fellow-delegates or practising for the music program. My day-time efficiency was getting badly affected by this sleeplessness, but I was just neglecting the need to sleep more. It was simply my recklessness.

This continued for three days. And that night, one of my room-mates, the Youth coordinator from Germany just returned to the room. "I have some news, guys! Swami gave an interview to Shitu!!" he said.(Shitu Chudasama is the International coordinator for Sai Youth ),

Hearing that, all my room-mates gathered around him with so much interest, But I did not. I was totally in a complaining mood. I was like "Swami-You-never- care-for- me". I tried my best to behave in a disinterested way, but I could not prevent my ears from overhearing what he said after that. After all, it is a message from my Beloved.

He announced, "Guys, it seems Swami enquired about our accommodation and food. And most importantly, He asked Shitu if we are having enough sleep …….."

I broke into tears when I heard those words. Here I am looking all the time, for an opportunity to be alone in the room (shared by six delegates), and then start complaining to Swami's picture in the calendar hung on the wall. And there my sweet Sai Mother enquires about my sleep, the only big problem I had in my stay, that too, of my own making.

This is how the Lord talks to each and every heart. He asked specifically about "sleep". How compassionate! How loving! A physical mother loves you, but she might not have the power and capability to care for you all the 24-hours, even when you are far away from her physically. But Sai Mother knows what's bothering you and what the solution for it is. All the time, everywhere.

Not just this, I actually started to fast during the Youth Conference, though I was aware that Swami wants us to eat properly. And I was startled to see that Swami was distributing Prasadam everyday in the Darshan Hall, starting exactly from the day when I started fasting! Every single day I fasted, there was Prasadam distribution. And I would say to Swami, "Swami! I am fasting. If You still want me to have this Prasadam, then the person distributing Prasadam must come to me and ask me to take it. I shall not stretch my hand out. Only then I would take it as an indication from You." And I used to sit with my head bent down. The boy with the Prasadam casket would come before me, and swing the Prasadam packet before my eyes as if forcing me to take it! Just in case someday, this does not happen, I would immediately say to Swami, "Fine then, You do not care for me today!" And when I return to my room, my room-mates would have got extra packets of Prasadam on that day and they would force me to eat it all.

Let's assume this also does not happen! Then I am the luckiest! You know why? He would make me visit my relatives' place that day, and there my aunt would hand-over me a cup full of sweet and tell me, "This Prasadam was sent for Swami's blessings and it came directly from Swami's Mandir, just now". Amritham (Ambrosia), couriered for me, direct from heaven.

You simply cannot escape Sai's love. Everyday, He made sure that I ate.

And in the final Discourse of the Youth Conference, He said, "You are exerting your body a lot. Do not do that. Have your meal at the right time!"

So direct! I cried more and more. It is only me who wavers from time to time, It is only me who forgets Him falling into the world. But He loves me constantly. He never stops loving me. I could probably never understand or estimate how much He loves me. But I am lucky, He gave me a heart which can experience fully, this love which is inexplicable, mysteriously sweet and infinitely gigantic,

"You describe Swami's love as that of a thousand mothers. But, when you cannot understand the love of one mother, how can you understand the love of a thousand mothers? "

~Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba

experience shared by brother Sai Sandesh/ Pardha Saradhi

Multple Form of Divinity.... Dr. Samuel H. Sanweiss, M.D

I, have heard countless stories during my travels over the years and each one inspires and touches me with a new poingnancy.

In the years of 1996-1997, my wife Sharon and I spoke at the Sai Conference in Venezuela, denmark, Holland, Germany, and England. We attended Sai Baba's 75th Birthday celebration in India in November 2000, when 168 countries were represeneted.

During these times, as well as throughout the years, we have heard thousand stories of Swami personally and moraculously touching and changing lives. Most devotees we have met have had a moving personal experiences with Sai Baba that had heightened his or her spiritual life.

The following story about Swami appearing in multiple forms of divinity gave me courage just before I was to speak to a London audience of 2500 people in 1996.

Always uneasy before speaking about Swami in front of a large group, I was trying to calm myself during the ride to the auditorium. I never feel quite sure of myself, especially as I prepare to talk about about the incompreheensible. Perhaps that's how we should be under such circustances, never taking anything for granted, while wanting to be immediate, open unprertentious and vulnerable.

A lovely yound Indian couple was driving me, I asked the driver, "How were you first attacted to Sai Baba?." He replied, it really something quite unusual. My wife was the devotee of Sai Baba, and not me. I believe in God in the form of Rama,Krishna and in the ancient texts of Hinduism.

But not that God would come again in human form in this modrern day and age. I sort of tolerated her devotion to Sai Baba. Then one evening while I was in bed, I looked towards the wall, and there against the wall stood Sai Baba. At first, I thought it mighty a misperception and shook my head. Yet, no, it was he in the flesh!.. I looked upward, and there he was again in front of my eyes

I first thought that he had made a mistake and actually wanted to visit my wife. I wasn't frightened or alarmed,just a bit put out because I did't want to see him. Then I turn away to look at another wall, and there he stood again

I looked upward and there he was again in front of my eyes on the ceiling. Frustrated and rolled over, putting my head in the pillow, and went to sleep.

"The next day, I had the strong feeling that he would come again. I was worried and did not want to see him alone. I thought he would come to the bedroom again. I waited that evening untill my wife was ready to go to bed. Then I followed her up the stairs, wanting her to go to bedroom before me. I had n't told her of the incident, nor of my relief that she was with me now.

However, there is a devotional room off to the right, just before entering our bedroom and as we walked along, she quickly took a right turn into this room. My momentum carried me into he bedroom and, as I had thought, there he was again!.

"As I looked at Sai Baba, I was absolutely amazed to see him turn into the form of Lord Rama, then into the form of Krishna and the into the form of Ganesha, the elephant-headed God who removes obstacles. He then turned ito two other forms of divinity.

I was overwhelmed by the experience. I immediately knew that he was divinity. Then when I went to sleep, he came tome in my dream. He has since come many times in dreams, showering love and giving me personal instructions on every aspect of my life. He is my constant companion. He is God incarate.

Hearring this story was a wonderful gift given to me just before my talk in London. I was immediately elevated to a higher level of awarness. I was in bliss and charged with Sai Baba's divine love, the power of his authority, the grace he bestows, and the protection he provides, by simply relating this gift of a story. Sai Baba has come with such gloious omnipresent love to soften our hearts untill we melt into him.

(Sharing with Sai Love)

Monday, September 18, 2006

Divine Discourses

Four important discourses by Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba
Shiva Shakthi(6 July 1963). Swami heals himself from an 8-day stroke and announces his third incarnation as Prema Sai eight years after he leaves this body.
The revelation(17 May 1968). The last part of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba's discourse at the "World Conference of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Seva Organizations" in Bombay, 17 May 1968. Sai Baba states plainly and directly that he has come as an incarnation of God to restore righteousness (dharma).
Forty-Third birthday discourse(23 November 1968). Swami speaks about His being the Avatar and proclaims his mission on earth: the establishment of righteousness.
Who is Sai?(9 June 1974). Sai Baba talks about God, the Religion of Love, and His Avatar-hood. He explains why he materializes rings, etc., and gives them to people, and he explains what "Sai Baba" means.

Experience the Sweetness of Rama's Name - 7 April 2006 (Sri Rama Navami)
Atma is the Nameless, Formless Divinity - 30 March 2006 (Ugadi)
Atma is the Nameless, Formless Divinity - 30 March 2006 (Ugadi)
Limit Not the All Pervading Brahman with Names and Forms - 26 February 2006 (Mahashivarathri)
Control of Senses id the Real Sadhana - 23 February 2006
Discharge Your Duties With a Sense of Surrender to God - 14 January 2006 (Makara Sankranthi)

Realise Your Innate Divinity to Attain Peace - 23 November 2005 (80th Birthday Celebrations)
Truth and Righteousness are the Foundation for True Education - 22 November 2005
Develop the Spirit of Oneness - 19 November 2005 (Ladies' Day)
Cultivate Sattwic Qualities right from the Childhood - 22 October 2005 (Children's Festival of Joy)
Vision of the Divine - 11 October 2005 (Dasara)
Education without Educare is inadequate - 10 October 2005 (Dasara)
Purity of the Heart is True Sadhana - 9 October 2005 (Dasara)
With Courage and Purity Realise Divinity - 8 October 2005 (Dasara)
The Indweller is God Himself - 7 October 2005 (Dasara)
Eschew Body Attachment - 3 September 2005 (International Sai Medical Conference)
Unity, Purity, Divinity - 17 August 2005 (International Conference of Eminent Educationists)
Everything Depends on God's Grace - 21 July 2005 (Guru Purnima)
Develop the Spirit of Oneness - 23 May 2005 (Buddha Purnima)
Win the Love of Your Mother to Win the Love of God - 6 May 2005
Love is God, God is Love. Live in Love - 13 April 2005
Undesrand the Spirit of Sacrifice - 11 April 2005
Love and Unity – Your True and Eternal Property - 9 April 2005
Humility and Character are the Hallmark of Education - 16 March 2005
All Are Bound by the Law of Karma - 9 March 2005, Shivarathri (evening)
You are all Amrutaputras – Sons of Immortality - 8 March 2005, Shivarathri (evening)
Experience the all-pervading Divine Consciousness - 8 March 2005, Shivarathri (morning)
Elders are a source of wisdom and strength. Revere and respect them - 10 February 2005
Your True Nature is Bliss – Realise It - 14 January 2005

Love is the Royal Path to Realise God - 27 January 2004
The Form of God is Love - 2 July 2004 - Guru Purnima
My Students Are My Wealth - 21 August 2004
Do Constant Namasmarana for Mental Peace - 23 August 2004
Divine Love alone can save us from sorrows - 28 August 2004
The Lord accepts only a Pure Heart - 6 September 2004, morning
God Protects those who Protect Sathya and Dharma - 6 September 2004, afternoon
Obtain Divine Grace by obeying your Parents - 18 September 2004 (Ganesh Chaturthi)
Have Faith in God, the only True Friend - 17 October 2004
Obey the Divine Command with total Faith - 19 October 2004
Who are You? I am I - 20 October 2004
Cultivate good habits to command respect in society - 21 October 2004
Uphold the Dignity and Honour of Bharat Matha (Mother India) - 23 October 2004
Your Reality is in Your Own Self, not Elsewhere - 25 October 2004
Dedicate Your Life to Serve Society - 23 November 2004
Love and Sincere Prayers Bring Success in Your Life - 25 December 2004

The Message of Sacrifice - 16 September 1994

Nut and Bolt, Kurla, Bombay, 1 January 1971
Prahlaadhas for the Present Age, Dharmakshethra, 3 Jan 1971

Pilgrimage to the throne - 23 November 1965

The Fifth Veda - 23 April 1963
Shankara's Adhwaitha - 28 April 1963
The Love of the Gopees - 12 August 1963

Nayana, not Ayana - 14 January 1962
Immanent in you - 4 March 1962
Spend your Days with Shiva - 4 March 1962
Welcome the Tests - 6 March 1962
Near and Far - 7 March 1962
The Broken Bow, Maha Shivaratri Katha, 8, 9 and 10 Mar 1962
Inner Progress - 5 April 1962

Believe in Yourself - 27 February 1961

The World, My Mansion - 25 June 1960
The Best Tonic - 21 September 1960
Foundation for Vidhya - 23 November 1960

The Moon and the Mind - 7 February 1959
Neither Scriptures nor Logic - 12 April 1959
Jada and Chaithanya - 10 July 1959
The Underlying Truths - 10 July 1959
The Screen Within - 11 July 1959
The Temple - 9 September 1959
Bahumathi and Ekamathi - 25 November 1959

An Attitude of Challenge - 2 February 1958
Japasahitha Dhyaana - 23 February 1958
Courage - 3 March 1958
Nara and Naaraayana - 25 July 1958
Education and Peace - 20 December 1958

Divine Life - April 1957

God as Guide - 1 August 1956


Manasa Bhajare - Vijayadhashami Day, 1953

Courtesy: http://www.saibaba. ws

Yajna Discourses: Day 1 - Day 2 - Day 3 - Day 4 - Day 5 - Day 6 - Day 7 - Day 8 - Day 10 - Day 11
Other Divine Discourses:
27th May 2006 for Karnataka Youth Camp: "THE YOUTH SHOULD FOLLOW THE PATH"
6th May 2006 Easwaramma Day: "MOTHER’S LOVE HAS IMMENSE POWER"
Tamil New Year and Vishu 2006: "HAPPINESS IS HOLINESS"
Sri Rama Navami 2006 : "Experience the sweetness of Rama's name"
Ugadi 2006: "Atma is the nameless, formless divinity" -
Mahashivatri Day by Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba "Keep your mind under control. This is My message to you on this holy night of Sivarathri. .."You are not new to this earth. You have gone through a number of births before attaining this human birth...." read more
23rd Feb Divine Discourse by Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba ...Swami materialized a ring for a student in the middle of this discourse ...Bhagavan patted him and later materialized a green diamond ring and slid it onto his finger, saying that green stands for Kshema (welfare). more
on Makara Sankranthi Day
80th Birthday: Delivered on the occasion of 80th Birthday at Santhi Vedika in Hill View Stadium on 23rd November 2005
Divine Benedictory Address on the occasion of 24th Annual Convocation of Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, Prasanthi Nilayam on 22nd November 2005
Divine Discourse 19-Nov.2005 - Ladies Day - at Prasanthi Nilayam
On 22nd Oct.05 - "Cultivate sathwic qualities right from childhood"
Dasara 2005: 08th Oct. 2005 & 11th Oct.2005
Dasara divine discourse on 10th Oct. 2005
Dasara: Prasanthi Nilayam 09 Oct 05
Gurupoornima 2005 discourse
UNITY, PURITY, DIVINITY at the International Conference of Eminent Educationists
International Sai Medical Conference at Prasanthi Nilayam
More Discourse from 2004 -05:
New Year Discourse Sankranti Easwaramma Day Guru Purnima 23 August Onam Krishna Janmashtami1 2 (6th September 2004) 15 Sep 04 Ganesh Chaturthi (18-09-04) 17 October 2004 19 Oct Dasara 20 Oct Dasara 21 Oct Dasara 23 Oct Dasara 25 Oct 23 Nov Christmas Discourse 26 Dec Hospital visit Makara Sankranthi: January 14th, 2005: Bheema Ratha Discourse 10th Feb. 24th February 2005 Shivaratri Morning Shivaratri Evening Discourse on Shivarathri - 9th March Morning Divine Discourse on 16-03-2005 Ugadi 2005 11 April 13 April Sri Rama Navami Easwaramma Day 2005 Buddha Purnima Divine Discourse 2005
Courtesy: www.saibabaofindia. com

Friday, September 15, 2006


Sai Baba was born in very early hours of September 27 or 28, 1835 to a poor Hindu couple, Gangabhavadya and Devagiriamma. The newborn infant is left in the woods, abandoned. The infant is immediately discovered and adopted by a childless Muslim fakir and his wife.
Sai Baba lives with the Muslim couple for 4 years. Meanwhile the fakir dies. The wife is left to tend the child alone. Even as a small child Baba stirs up sentiments between the Hindu and Muslim community by worshipping Allah in Hindu temples, and Hindu gods in the mosque. In fear of increased problems by a sole widow, Baba is handed over for care with a local mendicant and story-teller, Venkusa.
Sai Baba spent 12 years with his Guru. The name of his Guru was Gopal Rao Deshmukh (Venkusa, also known as Venkavadhuta) ) of Selu. Some say " Baba practiced penance at the tomb of His Guru in the cellar under the Neem Tree at Shirdi". Arrival of Devidas at Shirdi (Aged 10-11 years) took place in 1846. When he enquired, BABA mentioned the name of his GURU as Venkusa implying VISHNU (Parvardigar) .
Sai Baba first appeared at Shirdi and stays in the village for two months. He is noted to reside day and night under a Neem Tree (aged about 16 Years) which he claims is growing over the tomb of his old guru. After two months Baba disappeared to an unknown place.
Sai Baba travels about from place to place and finally ends up in Dhoopkheda (or Dhoop) in Aurangabad District. There he ends up attending the marriage of Chandu Patel's son in 1858.
Sai Baba returns to Shirdi along with the marriage-party of Chand Patil and remained at Shirdi for ever till His Samadhi. A widowed Deputy Collector and Settlement Officer by name H.V. Sathe (Hari Vinayaka Sathe) comes to Shirdi on the death of his wife. Baba takes great fondness to Sathe. Sathe was the first to set up apartments at Shirdi for temporary visitors. Baba regarded Sathe as his right hand in regard to all matters. Because Baba was keeping Sathe close to him and relying on him for everything, the residents of Shirdi grew jealous towards him.
Saint Manik Prabhu of Homanabad in Bidar District of Karnataka passed away in 1878, Chaitra Vadya 14. H. H. Akkalkot Swami left His mortal coil at Akkalkot in Solapur District of Maharashtra. (First appeared in 1835). It is reported that three of them (Manik Prabhu, Swami Samartha and SAIBABA) met at Humanabad.
Saint Anandnath (aged 95 years) of Yewala Math and a disciple of Akkalkot Swami visited Shirdi and seeing Sai Baba exclaimed, "This is a precious real diamond."
1886, April 16
Mahasamadhi of Shri Ramkrishna Paramahansa of Bengal 1886, Margashirsh 15 Sai Baba got rid of an attack of asthma, by going into samadhi for 72 Hrs.
anthrapragada Ramalaksmhi Devi, and my father, Venkata Narasimha Rao—who were childless in spite of efforts—visited their Guru, Shirdi Sai Baba, in 1887 and prayed to him for a child. As the fruit of Shirdi Sai Baba's grace, I was born to them on August 8, 1888. Shirdi Sai Baba himself gave me my name, Shringeri Sharada Devi. As I am of fair complexion, he used to lovingly call me Gori.
Abdullah arrived at Shirdi from Nanded (in West Khandesh near Jalgaon and Amalner)
1892 (approx)
Nanasaheb Chandorkar arrived at Shirdi for the first time after being invited by BABA many a time showing his intimate relations with NANA since his many previous births.
1894 (approx)
Das Ganu (Ganesh Dattatreya Sahasrabuddhe) accompanied Nanasaheb Chandorkar to Shirdi for the first time
Celebration of 'Urus' ( fair) started at Shirdi owing to the efforts of Gopalrao Gund, a Circle Inspector of Kopargaon
Sai Baba was seen sleeping on a narrow plank suspended with old rags about 7 or 8 feet above ground with lighted lamps placed on the plank.
(Uknown year) About this time, the parents of Shyam came to Shirdi with the two-year old child named Mohan Shyam. A small school for children were adjoining Baba's room. Shyam used to watch Baba at nights through the ventilator. Baba used to sleep on an eighteen-inch wide plank suspended suspended with old rags about 7 or 8 feet above ground with lighted lamps placed on the plank. Shyam was apprehensive that Baba might fall from his lofty but narrow perch during sleep. Shyam prayed to stay near Baba and serve him for his remaining days.
Nanasaheb Chandorkar visited Shirdi with his sister-in-law' s husband, Shri Biniwale. Baba scolded Nanasaheb for dissuading Biniwale, a devotee of Shri Dattatmya from visiting Datta Temple on the bank of Godavari River to avoid delay in reaching Shirdi.
Sai Baba like a learned Pandit explained Geeta to Nanasaheb Chandorkar, who believed that BABA was not well versed with Sanskrit language of Pandits (learned people).
Das Ganu left Govt. service and as per Baba's instructions settled at Nanded and started performing keertans and writing life histories of recent saints
Das Ganu's book 'Sant Kathamrit' was published. (Ch. 57 about Sai Baba's advice to Nanasaheb Chandorkar)
1904, April
Rao Bahadur H. V. Sathe first arrived at Shirdi. (Aged 49 years)
Nanasaheb Chandorkar's pregnant daughter Mainatai at Jamner in Jalgaon District had severe pains of delivery. Sai baba sent Udi and Arati with Ramgir Gosavi from Shirdi and she had a safe delivery. Sai Baba even took the form of tonga's Rajput driver to make Ramgir reach Jamner safe and on time.
Das Ganu's book 'Bhakta-Leelamrit' was published. (Chs.. 31, 32 and 33 about Sai Baba)
Nanasaheb Chandorkar was transferred as Mamlatdar from Nandurbar to Pandharpur. On the way, he stopped at Shird! with his family and started requesting Baba to accompany them to Pandharpur and stay there permanently with them. The devotees then told Nanasaheb about the singing of bhajan just finished in which Baba's mood of going to Pandharpur and staying there for ever was expressed. The text of the song was,'I want to go and stay at Pandharpur .'
Shivamma Thayee's uncle meets Baba for the first time, while Baba is visiting Vellakinaru in Coimbatore. Baba told Shivamma's uncle, 'She is the only girl in the whole lot who will be a highly elevated soul.' Baba then slowly chanted the Gayatri Mantra to Shivamma.
Radhakrishna Mai (Sunderabai Kshirsagar) arrived at Shirdi.(Young good-looking widow aged 25 years). She was blessed by BABA who used to send a part of food collected as (Bhiksha) to her.
1908 Sathe Wada was constructed.
1908 Ekadashi
Kashirarn Shimpi died. (Chaitra Shuddha 11). BABA saved his life in a mysterious way when he was assaulted by Thieves in a jungle.
Pundalikrao of Nanded met Shri Vasudevananda Saraswati. (Tembe Swami) at Rajahmundry on banks of Godavari River in Andhra Pradesh and Swami gave a coconut to be presented to Sai Baba. BABA showed cognizance of Swamiji's gilt and showed his oneness with Swami by describing him as his brother (Bhau)
Shri Tatyasaheb Noolkar, (Aged 45 years) the Sub-judge of Pandharpur first arrived at Shirdi in 1908. Gurupournima festival was prompted by Baba for Dada Kelkar, Tatyasaheb Noolkar, Madhavrao Deshpande and others.
Saibaba threw an ochre garment on Balasaheb Bhate, Mamlatdar of Kopargaon, and an atheist, on his very first visit and Balasaheb lost complete interest in worldly matters. He retired prematurely from service and settled down at Shirdi permanently.
Bapusaheb (Sakharam Hari) Jog on retirement from Govt. service came to stay at Shirdi permanently accompanied by his wife.
Bhimaji Patil of Narayangaon (Pune District) came to Shirdi for getting his chronic tuberculosis at the last stage and was cured by Baba's blessings.
1909, Nov 2
Hari Sitaram alias Kakasaheb Dixit (Aged 45 years), a prominent solicitor and M.L.C. first arrived at Shirdi. Baba used to call him affectionately Langda Kaka and removed fear complex from his mind. Kaka Dixit was known for his obedience to Baba's orders.
1909, Dec 10
Devotees began to offer regular worship to Baba in the Chavadi, where He slept on alternate days
1909, Dec 25
Baba gave darshan in the form of Sri Rama to a doctor, devotee of Sri Rama who came with a Mamlatdar.
Baba's 'Handi' ritual, occasionally cooking food Himself in a big copper pot and distributing it to devotees and poor people without discrimination. This practice continued till this year. After wards owing to Das Ganu's keertans (musical recitals praising Baba), Baba's fame spread far and wide and devotees started flocking together in large numbers offering large quantities of food as 'naivedya' and thus there was no need of 'Handi.
Ramachandra Atmaram alias Babasaheb Tarkhad from Bandra (Bombay) first visited Shirdi.
Rao Bahadur Moreshwar W. Pradhan of Santacruz (Bombay) first visited Shirdi.
Govind Raghunath alias Annasaheb Dabholkar (Aged 51 years), the author of Shri Sai Satcharita (Marathi), had his first darshan of Sai Baba and received significant and prophetic title of 'Hemadpant. Baba gave him his blessings and inspired him to write SAI SATCHARITA - a religious scripture describing BABA's life story and his divine play (leela) as monumental as GURU CHARITRA- the old monumental POTHI - a poetic religious scripture inspiring worship to GURU, NARASINHA SARASWATI.
Balkrishna Vishwanath alias Balasaheb Deo (Dahanu Mamlatdar) first visited Shirdi prompted by Nanasaheb Chandorkar. Deo used to describe him as Baba's child - with a full sense of surrender.
Bhadrapad Shuddha 5H. H. Gajanan Maharaj of Shegaon (Buldhana District of Maharashtra) left His mortal coil. (First appeared in 1878). At that very time at Shirdi, Sai Baba grieved profusely and said, "Hallo! My Gajanan is gone. I must take bath again in reverance to the Great Soul."
1910 Shrimant Gopalrao Mukund alias Bapu saheb Butty of Nagpur, (a rich statesman) started staying permanently at Shirdi.
1910 Harishchandra Pitale's son suffering from epilepsy was cured by Baba's mere glance at him. Baba gave Pitale three rupees and reminded him of two rupees earlier received by him from Swami Samarth of Akkalkot and thus showed his oneness with all the other SAINTS (Vibhutis)
1910, Ashwin Vady13
Sai Baba pushed his arm into the brightly burning Dhuni to save a blacksmith's child. 'The arm was scorched and burnt. Nanasaheb came from Bombay with Dr. Parmananda but Baba did not allow the doctor to treat him.Bhagoji Shinde's service of massaging the arm with ghee and bandaging it continued till Baba's Samadhi. This episode is in testimony to BABA's cosmic existence- HIS super consciousness.
1910 Dec 5
Hon'ble Mr. Ganesh Shrikrishna alias Dadasaheb Khaparde of Amraoti (Maharashtra) first visited Shirdi. (Refused on 10 Dec. 1910) Mr.Babasaheb Khaprde was an ardent devotee of BABA and his efforts were instrumental in bringing Loka Manya Tilak- (a great national leader -Khapurde's contemparary) to Shirdi for Baba's darshan and blessings in his movement for India's freedom from the British Rule
1910, Dec10
Foundation-stone of Dixit Wada laid with Baba's permission
1910, Christmas
Lala Lakhamichand of Santacruz (Bombay) came to Shirdi. Baba loved him very much and affectionately accepted his petty gifts given with love.
1910 Megha returns to Shirdi and stays till his death. In Baba's company he underwent mysterious experiences, which transformed Megha from an athiest to an ardent devotee of Baba and spent his life in the service of Sai -Shiva. He regarded Baba as Shiva-Shankar (Lord Shiva-Shankar -the welfare Doer).
1911 Madrasi Sanyasi Vijayanand, while on a pilgrimage to Manas Sarovar, haulted at Shirdi and breathed his last while reading 'Bhagawat' (a religious script written by Saint Eknath) for 3 days on Baba's advice.
1911, March
Tatyasaheb Nulkar (Aged 48), the Sub-judge of Pandharpur breathed, his last at Shirdi . Baba showed HIS oneness with Tatya Nulkar and described him as a pure soul and expressed HIS grief at Nulkars demise.
After Tatyasaheb Nulkar passed away, Megha took over the regular daily worship of Baba in the Dwarakamai. (He used to stand on one leg while performing the Arati). Tatyasaheb Nulkar relinquished everything and stayed at Shirdi in Baba's company till his demise Baba bestowed him with the unique experiences in self realization. Baba advised him and Mr Shyama Deshpande to perform Guru worship (Pooja).
1911 Ram-Navami Festival was started at Shirdi owing to the efforts of Shri Bhishma and Kaka Mahajani
1911, Ram-Navami
Construction of Dixit Wada was completed and was inhabited with due rites.
1911 Kakasaheb Dixit carried out Extension and roofing of the open space in front of the Dwarakamai. Baba got enraged and tried to shake and uproot a pole. Then removing Tatya Patil's pugree, struck a match, set the pugree on fire and threw it in a pit along with one rupee as if an auspicious offering to avert evil. Baba never liked renovation of his dwelling place viz. Dwarkamai (the masjid) and opposed any such effort by the devotees.
1911 Somdav Swami alias Haridwar Swami visited Shirdi.
1911, June 27
Kashinath Govind Upaswii (aged 41 years) first visited Shirdi and returned again on 6 July. Baba ordered him to stay for 4 years in the Khandoba Temple.
1911, Dec
Kashinath Upasani composed the famous 'Shri Sainath Mahimna Stotra (hymn) in Sanskrit. (Now being recited daily during Arati at Shirdi.)
1911, Dec
Bubonic plague raged at Shirdi (Lasted upto March 15 next year) Baba however saved lives of plague inflicted devotees by taking upon himself i.e. on his body the malody.
1911, Dec
Baba's grinding of wheat in the hand-mill. It was not wheat that was ground but plague or cholera itself was ground to pieces and cast out of village. Seeing this Annasaheb Dabholkar (Hemadpant) was inspired to write 'Shri Sai Satcharita.'
1911, Dec5
Dadasaheb Khaparde of Amraoti arrived at Shirdi again with family and stayed for 3 months. Shri Krishna Bhishma the author of Arati book 'Sagunopasana' accompanied him. Dadasaheb Khaparde wrote diary (daily record of his stay at Shirdi in Baba's company).
1911, Dec 11
Waman Rao Patel (Aged 22 years) (Later Swami Sai Sharanananda) first arrived at Shirdi.
1911, Dec 13
Chandrabhan Shet Marwadi, uncle of Khushalchand of Rahata. expired.
1911, Dec 16
Dr. Capt. Hate first visited Shirdi (who had just appeared at LCPS examination. ) Baba sent him a messege in the dream saying, 'have you forgotten me?'
1911, Dec 19
Sai Baba's great devotee and a great saint of Nath-panth order, Shri Rama Maruti visited Shirdi. (Stayed for 34 days.) '. Ram Maruti offered 'Naivedya' to Baba and Baba very affectionately took a part of it (SWEET SANJA).
1911-12 Sagun Meru Naik arrived at Shirdi at the age of 23 and on Baba's advice settled permanently running a small restaurant for the devotees visiting Shirdi.
1912, Jan
Dadasaheb Khaparde's youngest son Balwant was cured of bubonic plague by Baba by taking the disease on himself.
1912, Jan 3
Megha fed some Brahmins on completion of his Gayatri Punascharana (a religious ritual). Dadasaheb Khaparde attended it at Sathe Wada.
1912, Jan 19
Megha died at Shirdi at about 4 A.M. Baba lamented loudly and followed the funeral procession for some distance. Baba showered flowers on Megha's body.
1912, Jan 20
Bapusaheb Jog started performing Baba's Pooja and Arati after Megha's death.He continued this till Baba's Samadhi and even some years afterwards until he shifted to Sakuri and joined Upasani Maharaj there.
1912 Transformation of Dwarakamai (the masjid) started. Pits were patched up and the stone slabs fixed on the floor. Baba gave up sack-cloth seat and started using cushion scat and boister in deference to devotees' wishes
1912 Jan
Ganapatrao, father of Tatya Kote Patil passed away. Tatya Patil stopped sleeping in the Dwarakamai with Baba.
1912, Feb 25
Madhavrao Deshpande (Shama) left Shirdi to attend Kakasaheb Dixit's son's thread-ceremony at Nagpur and Nanasaheb Chandorkar's son's wedding at Gwalior. From there accompanied by Appa Kote, he went on a pilgrimage to Mathura, Prayag, Ayodhya, Kashi and Gaya. At Gaya Madhavrao saw Baba's picture at the priest's house and was reminded of Baba's words, "After visiting Kashi and Prayag I would be reaching the religious place ahead of Shama."
1912, Mar 15
Dadasaheb Khaparde returned to Amraoti. Mrs. Laxmibai Khaparde stayed behind.
1912, Ram-navami
Dada Maharaj Satarkar, known as 'Modern Tukaram', was invited to perform Ram-navami Kirtan.When he bowed down in obeisance, Baba said, "I know this man since last 4 years". Bala Buva had never met Sai Baba before but 4 years ago at Bombay, he had prostrated before Baba's picture. Thus Baba proved to His devotees that seeing His picture were equivalent to seeing Him in person.
1912, April
First visit of Balaram Dhurandhar along with his brothers. Before they arrived Baba had expressed, "Today many of my Durbar people are coming". Baba offered Balaram Chillim to smoke and since then his 6 year old asthma was cured for ever
1912, Shravan 15
Guru-sthan padukas were installed under the Neem Tree at Shirdi
1913. First visit of Mahadev Rao Sapatnekar of Akkalkot accompanied by his younger brother Pandit Rao. When Mahadev Rao prostrated before Baba, Baba shouted 'Chal hat' (Get away) in the protest of absence of faith in Saptnekar's mind and his prejudice for Baba.
1913 Baba gave at Dwarakamai darshan of himself as Vitthal and Rakhumai of Pandharpur to the wife and mother of R. B. Purandare of Bandra.
1913, Ram-Navaimi
Bala Buva Satarkar performed Ram-Navami Kirtan at Shirdi and Baba gave him a gift of Rs.150/- for the Kirtan. These coins were collected in a dish (Thali) after Baba's prayer (Aarti). Baba poured the whole dish in Satarkars bag (zoli)
1913, May
Wamanrao Patel (Aged 24 - 25 Years.) (Swami Sai Sharanananda ji) visited Shirdi again and this time stayed for 11 months.
1913 Rao Bahadur Sathe got a son by Baba's Grace at the age of 57 years.
1914 Sapatnekar of Akkalkot arrived at Shirdi again with wife and returned being blessed for begetting a son.
1914, Feb 14
Mr.B.V. Deo (Memlatdar of Dahanu in Thane Distict) was charged and reprimanded by Baba for stealing His rag and after lot of abusing and scolding was favoured with instruction to read Dnyaneshawari regularly every day as per Deo's desire. This episode is an example of how Baba sometimes displayed his transcendental powers to read devotees mental inclinations even without formal oral communication.
1914, Feb 22
A Sadhak of Yoga (Swami Ram Baba) visited Shirdi and seeing Baba eating bread with onion got suspicious and disappointed. However Baba proved His power of omniscience by reading his mind and the Sadhak returned highly satisfied and blessed.
1914, April 2
Before the year was over, Baba appeared to Deo in a dream and inquired if he understood Dnyaneshwari properly. Deo said 'No' and added that without Baba's Grace it will not be understood. Then Baba explained to Deo how to read it slowly (and without making haste) with full concentration for knowing the subtle meaning between the lines (Bodha -Knowledge)
1914, Ram-Navami
Das Ganu was ordained by Baba to perform Ram-Navami Kirtan at Shirdi every year.
1914, Shravan
H. H. Shri Vasudevananda Saraswati (Aged 80 years) (Tembe Swami) left His mundane body at Garudeshwar on the banks of River Nannada in Gujarat.
1914. July 15
Kashinath Upasani left Shird! (total stay 3 years, 19 days) and proceeded towards Nagpur, Khadakpur etc.
1915, Dec
Sai Baba suffered from asthma and was very weak. Yet He climbed over Radhakrishna Mai's roof with a ladder. Paid Rs. 2/- to the person bringing and placing the ladder. Honouring a worker for his work, Baba showed how Dignity of labour should be maintained.
1915, Dec
Balakram Mankar passed away at Shirdi.
1915, Dec
Mrs Tarkhad (wife of Babasaheb Tarkhad of Bandra) sent a pedha (made of milk and sugar) which was already offered as naivedya and that too with Balakram's son Govindji who was in mourning. Yet Baba swollowed it with great eagerness and love
1915, Dec 30
Construction work of Butty's Wada was in progress. Baba occasionally used to go at this place to see the progress of this work and gave instructions.
1916 Sai Baba made Das Ganu to do 'Nam-saptah and Kirtan' at Shirdi for a week
1916 Radhakrishna Mai (Aged 35 years) passed away. Baba used to bless her by sending a portion of food collected by him by way of Bhiksha.
1916. Arrival of a Madrasi Bhajani Mela (Party of the Ramdasi Order). Baba gave darshan to the chief's wife in the form of her beloved diety Shri Rama. The chief also got a dream and his attitude towards Baba was completely changed.
1916 Nephew of Dr. Mulky from Malegaon (District Nasik), suffering from tubercular bone-abcess, was fully cured by Sai Baba's Udi and his loving glance. The doctor himself visited Shirdi afterwards and became a staunch devotee of Shri Sai Baba realising that Baba's service is to be performed not only for the sake of money or other mundane things but for the welfare of the disabled, helpless and downtrodden.
1916 Annasaheb Dabholkar (Hemadpant) retired from Govt. service. On Guru Poumima Day while at Shirdi, Anna Chinchanikar pleaded before Baba for getting some other appointment for Hemadpant as his pension was quite insufficient and his family was growing. Baba assured him about his source of income for livelihood after retirement.
1916, Vijaya Dashami
When in the evening Shirdi residents were returning from 'Simollanghan' ceremony (crossing of the border or limits of the kingdom village), Baba suddenly got into wild rage and taking off His head-dress, kafni and langota (loin cloth) etc., tore them into pieces and threw them in the burning Dhuni before Him. The fire in the Dhuni became brighter and Baba stood there stark naked. Later when cooled down and dressed again Baba said, "This is My Simollanghan" and thus hinted at His departure from this world soon on Dassehra Day. This Darshan provided enlightenment that Baba's body cannot be described as Hindu or Muslim or of any cast or belonging to any religion in vogue.
1916 Ramchandra Dada Patil became seriously ill. One night. appearing before him, Baba told him that he would recover soon but Tatya Patil will die on Vijaya Dashami Day in 1918. Thus by substituting Tatya's name for HIS, Baba foretold Tatya's passing away. However, Baba sacrificed his body to save devotees life by saying 'instead of him another person will go?'.
1916 Baba averted Gopal Narayan Ambadekar's effort of suicide by prompting him to read an appropriate incident from Akkalkot Swami's Chaiitra (religious scripture) and avoided greatest sin in his devotees life.
1917Shyam, the faithful servant of Baba falls at Baba's feet and dies, merging in Baba.
1917Baba tells Shringeri Sharada Devi, "Gori, I will appear in Andhra [Pradesh] with the same name of Sai Baba but in another Avathar . Then again, you will come to me. I will keep you with me and give you joy."
1917Baba names a young girl Shivamma Thayee and proclaims that she will be a saint.
1917 Haribhau Karnik of Dahanu (District Thane) wished to offerd. one more rupee to Baba while leaving Shirdi, but could not do so. On the way at Nasik, in the Kala Rama Temple another saint Narasing Maharaj demanded one rupee from him. Karnik gave it willingly thinking that Baba was demanding the rupee he wanted to offer at Shirdi. Baba fulfilled in HIS many mysterious ways devotees' desire to offer dakshina through all the media.
1917 Sai Baba appeared at Thane (North of Bombay) to inquire the well-being of Appasaheb Kulkarni's wife and children when he was away on tour. When Appasaheb returned Baba not only fulfilled his desire of offering Rs.10 as Dakshina but also favoured him by returning nine rupees consecrated by His touch. These nine rupees are the symbol of nine bhakti services done to HIM.
1917 Upasani Maharaj (Aged 47 years) made Sakuri (near Rahata) his permanent residence.
1918 Rao Bahadur Moreshwar Pradhan purchased Lendi Baug and later presented it to Shirdi Sansthan'. Baba himself planted some trees at the Lendi Baug
1918, April 1
At Vile Parle (East) (now suburb of Bombay) on Hanuman Road, Narayan Mahadev Thosar's residence (later known as Narayan Ashram) was built a Hanuman Temple. On the day it was consecrated, Baba paid Rs. 25 to a Brahmin named Waze and made him perform Shri Satya-narayan Pooja
1918 Prof. G. G. Narke, son-in-law of Butty got a permanent job by Baba's Grace as Professor in the Engineering College at Pune. Baba always remebered him by saying 'where has he (Narke) gone? Baba gave him a begging bag (zoli) for collecting food -an exercise in cultivating humility and eliminating ego.
1918, August
Baba offered Hemadpant a glass of buttermilk and said, "Drink it all, you won't get such opportunity again suggesting that time for his Samadhi has arrived.
1918, Sep 9
Das Ganu wrote 'Shri Sai Stavan Manjaril at Maheshwar (Madhya Pradesh) on the banks of River Narmada.
1918, Sept 28
Nath Panthi saint Rama-Maruti of Kalyan passed away.
1918, Sept 28
Sai Baba had a slight attack of fever which lasted for 3-4 days. Since then Baba abstained from food and day by day His weakness increased.
1918, Oct 1
Baba asked a Brahmin devotee by the name Waze to read 'Raum- Vijay' (by Sridhar Swami) and listened to it for 14 days.
1918,Oct 8
A tiger met its death at the feet and presence of Sai Baba and was emancipated.
1918, Oct 15, Tuesday
On Vijaya Dashmi, Sai Baba left his mortal coil at about 2-30 p.m. Few minutes before He gave Rs. 9/- as prasad to Laxmi Shinde. These nine coins represent nine dimensional devotion to GOD.
1918, Oct 16
WednesdayEarly morning Baba appeared to Das Ganu at Pandharpur, in dream and said, "The Dwaraka mai has collapsed and all the oilmen and grocers have troubled Me a lot. So I am leaving the place. Go there quickly and cover My body copiously with flowers".
1918, Oct 16
Wednesday in the evening Baba's body was taken in procession through the Shirdi village and then interred in Butty Wada with due formalities
1918, Oct 27
On the 13th day Baba's devotees from all over gathered and funeral rites were performed by Balasaheb Bhate with a feast (Bhandara) to Brahmins and poor. Later Upasani accompanied by Bapusaheb Jog went to Prayag (Allahabad) and performed all the remaining obsequies on the banks of River Ganges
Courtesy: http://saionline. org/shirdi/ chronology. htm

Divine Discourses (Audio)

divine Discourses from 1972 to 2005. source unknown website.

http://www.eaisai. com/baba/ docs/fraudio. html

all audio files can be played in any player like winamp, windows media player or real.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

DIVINE DISCOURSE - 9th August 2006 first day of ati rudra maha yajnam

The day when people were engulfed in fascination for English language,Knowledge of one’s own religion and language declined;
When knowledge of one’s own religion and language declined,The cultural outlook disappeared;
When cultural outlook disappeared, righteousness declined on the earth;
When righteousness declined and disappeared from the earth,The exalted position of Bharat was shattered.
Oh! Bharatiyas! Open your eyes and be alert to the situation, at least now.Oh! Men of noble qualities!What more can I explain and exhort?(Telugu poem)
The land of Bharat is very sacred. It is the land of sacrifice. It is a holy land. It is the land where a number of chaste women took birth.
Savitri, who brought her deceased husband back to life, was she not a chaste woman of Bharat?Chandramati, who by her power of truth could extinguish the wild fire,was she not a chaste woman of Bharat?
Sita, who for establishing her chastity entered the fire and came out unscathed,was she not born in this great land of Bharat?
This great land of Bharat is surrounded by an ocean of Sathwic quality. The Bharata Jathi is resplendent with chastity and purity. Bharat is an extremely fertile land of noble feelings.Is it not true that this great land of Bharat is a world teacher?(Telugu poem)
Is there another country in the entire world where a chaste woman could bring her deceased husband back to life? This land of Bharat gave birth to many such chaste women. In the Ramayana, the demon King Ravana abducted Sita, the chaste wife of Rama and kept her in confinement under a tree in Ashokavana in Lanka, guarded by the demons. He used to entreat her daily to come under his fold. But, during the 10 months when Sita was under confinement in Lanka, she never raised her head and looked at his face even for a second. Such was her purity and chastity. The land of Bharat is like a teacher to all the countries in the world. Though not all men in this country are suffused with great and noble feelings, every woman here is certainly chaste, truthful and righteous. Even when their husbands return home, the women in Bharat would greet them only submissively. Where else would Lord Shiva incarnate, except in such a sacred land as Bharat?
God cannot be manifested merely by offering worship, performing vrathas or by conducting rituals like Yajna. It is only by developing purity of heart and noble qualities that one can have the vision of God. All the objects in the world are created by the omnipresent and omnipotent Lord who is the creator, sustainer and destroyer of the universe. Every object in this universe is a gift of God. God is immanent in every object. It is said, Easwara sarva bhutanam (God is the indweller of all beings) and Isavasyam idam sarvam (the entire universe is permeated by God). Hence, whatever object you come across, consider it as an embodiment of Divinity. People say, this is a cloth (showing a handkerchief). It is not really so. It is a piece of cloth made by wearing together a number of threads. But, that is also not a correct description. It is a manifestation of cotton. From cotton come the threads and the threads are woven together to make a cloth.
What is the nature of Divinity? Nirgunam, Niranjanam, Sanathana Niketanam, Nitya, Shuddha, Buddha, Mukta, Nirmala Swarupinam (God is attributeless, pure, final abode, eternal, unsullied, enlightened, free and embodiment of sacredness). Divinity is given different names by different people, but God is beyond name and form. He is all names and forms. He is all-pervading. That is why He is described as Sarvatah panipadam tat sarvathokshi siromukham, sarvatah sruthimalloke sarvamavruthya tishthati (with hands, feet, eyes, head, mouth and ears pervading everything, He permeates the entire universe). You are concerned with the human body. But, it is like a water bubble. The mind is a ‘bundle of thoughts’. Hence, one should not lead one’s life reposing full faith in the body and mind. No doubt, the human body is a gift of God. In fact, we are born to offer everything that has been given by God, to God Himself. Lord Krishna in Bhagawad Gita declared, Mamaivamsho jivaloke jivabhuta sanathana (the eternal Atma in all beings is a part of My Being). He said, You are all My amsa. Hence, you are not a mere human being. The name given to you in this objective world is the one that is given by your parents. In fact, at the time of your birth you had no name at all! Humanity is associated with Divinity, which is pure and sacred. It is only to foster such a sacred nature in human beings that God incarnates from time to time. Whenever righteousness declines, God incarnates to uphold Dharma in keeping with His declaration:Yada yada hi dharmasya glanir bhavati Bharata,Abhyutthanamadharmasya tadatmanam srujamyaham.(When there is a decline in Dharma and rise in adharma, I incarnate Myself for the establishment of Dharma.)
In today’s world, righteousness has declined and truth has gone into the oblivion. The whole world is filled with injustice, indiscipline and evil behaviour. In such a chaotic state, faith in God is the only lasting remedy. Truth is the only refuge, for, truth is God. Love is God, live in love. Devoid of love, one cannot live. Hence, one has to love God to receive the gift of love from God. It is only by love that God can be attained.As stated by the Pundit who just spoke, the ‘Athi Rudra’ consists of many Namakas and Chamakas. They sustain the human life. From where did this power come? The Namaka and Chamaka are taken from the Krishna Yajur Veda. It is an all inclusive Veda, from which the other Vedas, Sastras (scriptures), Ithihasas (ancient legends) and Puranas emanated. Unfortunately, today, the Vedas have lost their pre-eminent position due to poor patronage. People who take to a serious study of the Vedas and chant the mantras contained in them regularly have become rare. A regular study of the Vedas and practice of Vedic injunctions confer all forms of wealth on the human beings. The fundamental principles governing human life and destiny are contained in the Vedas. The Vedas are the gift of God for the welfare of the entire humanity. The Vedas make no distinction whatsoever on the basis of religion, caste, nationality, etc. The Veda mantras can be chanted by one and all. (Swami then called two boys from abroad studying in Prasanthi Nilayam and asked them to recite Sri Suktam).It is Swami’s wish that the Vedas shall be spread to every country, so that every human being irrespective of religion, caste, nationality, etc., learns Vedas and chants them.
Some people from Iran and Iraq have come to Puttaparthi, day before yesterday. The devotees from Iran are still here. We are making efforts to teach Vedas to all people. The Vedas remove all types of sorrow. The yajna that is being performed now is different from other rituals like Puthra Kameshthi yaga or Aswamedha yaga. It is for the welfare of the entire humanity. A few fortunate ones are learning the Vedas and propagating them. But, unfortunately many people are making no efforts to teach the Vedas, though they have studied them. Today, all the students in Sri Sathya Sai Educational Institutions are being taught Vedas. As a prelude to the learning of the Vedas, one has to acquire knowledge of Sanskrit, the language of Vedas. Nowadays, people of every country are making efforts to learn Vedas, especially the Rig Veda. Along with it, they are also learning the Yajur Veda, Sama Veda and the Atharvana Veda. Vinay Kumar has been appointed as the youth leader of Karnataka State. He is entrusted with the responsibility of bringing together all the youth in Karnataka on one platform and make them learn the Vedas and spread the message of the Vedas. Similarly, youth leaders have been appointed in all the states of India like Andhra, Kerala, etc. Not only that, youth leaders have also been appointed in the Sathya Sai Seva Organisations in all the countries of the world for the propagation of the Vedas and Vedic chanting. The Vedas are not to be neglected. The secret of the entire creation is contained in the Vedas. The Vedas establish the goal and purpose of human life. Everything concerning creation, sustenance and dissolution of the universe is contained in the Vedas. The Brahmacharya (celibacy), Grihastha (householder), Vanaprastha (recluse) and Sanyasa (renunciant) Asramas are rooted in the Vedas. People are able to realise the glory of the Vedas now. Wherever you go, even in the villages, you will find the ladies also chanting the Veda mantras. There may be difference in the body structure between the males and females; but, so far as the Vedic learning is concerned, there is hardly any difference.
The Veda is very sacred. Especially, the Athi Rudra part is a very important section. ‘Rudram’ is generally understood as a synonym to Lord Easwara. In fact, it is the essence of all the Vedas, namely, Rig, Yajur, Sama and Atharvana Vedas. Another important feature of Rudram is the Ekatwa (oneness) between the two parts, namely Namaka and Chamaka. The Namaka emphasises on the aspect of detachment whereas Chamaka stresses on the aspect of desire. But, the essence of both aspects is one. What is to be discarded and what is to be desired? The evil is to be discarded and good is to be desired. Both are essential. Whereas Namaka lays stress on Virakti (detachment), the Chamaka speaks of desires for this and that. People generally think that giving up of family life, house, land and other forms of wealth as Thyaga (sacrifice). But, that is not a sacrifice at all! This can be done easily. What is required is, sacrificing the resultant desires. That is the real sacrifice. One has to realise the purpose of human life. We are not born merely to eat, drink and make merry. The human birth is given to us to help our fellow human beings. Help Ever, Hurt Never. We should not cause harm to anybody. We should not speak harsh words. In fact, such noble qualities are inherent in us. The human body is Panchabhouthika (made up of the five elements, namely, earth, water, fire, air and space). It consists of Panchendriyas (five senses) which crave for fulfilling desires. However, there are also certain values like Sathya (truth), Dharma (righteousness), Santhi (peace), Prema (love) and Ahimsa (non-violence) hidden in the core of our personality. These have to be brought out and manifested in our daily life. This process is called ‘Educare’. Today, the knowledge that is acquired from the study of books is termed as ‘Education’. This is not the real education that we have to acquire. Real education is ‘Educare’, by which the noble qualities that are inherent in us are manifested in our daily life. This can be done by self-effort without someone spoon-feeding us with some externals. Thereby one can lead a sacred life. It can be attained only by God’s grace and by no other means. In keeping with the saying Sarvada sarva kaleshu sarvathara Hari chinthanam, one has to constantly contemplate on God. That is the real devotion. Ornaments are many; gold is one; cows are of many colours, milk is one.Divinity is one, by whatever name we call (Rama, Krishna, Yesu or Allah). These are all the different names ascribed to God. It is said Ekam sath viprah bahudha vadanthi (truth is one, but the wise refer to it by various names). Hence we should never make any distinction in respect of God. If one desires to know the secret (essence) of God, one should develop an ‘open heart’. You may contemplate on God by any name of your liking. There is nothing wrong in it. But, it is wrong to worship one name and form, while reviling other names and forms ascribed to God. Some people like the name ‘Narayana’. They don’t like ‘Shiva’. This is wrong. ‘Easwara’ and ‘Narayana’ are different names by which the same God is worshipped. The one God is worshipped with many names and forms. He who realises this oneness will have peace of mind. To love one form of God and hate another form is not good. You will not be able to fulfil your desire, by doing so. Not only the youth, everyone (young and old) have to realise and follow this principle. In fact, it is Divinity only that is protecting the world now. The name of God is more powerful than the nuclear bombs. God’s name protects the good and punishes the evil. Hence, if you continue to worship God, surely the world will be protected.
This Yajna is being conducted for the welfare of the world. There is a very important aspect of this Yajna. The Athi Rudra Maha Yajna protects and fosters the divine nature in the human beings, while rejecting and diminishing the demonic qualities. Thus, it works for the welfare of humanity. This Yajna can be undertaken by anyone interested in the welfare of humanity. The material and other resources for conducting this Yajna have been arranged by the efforts of Vinay Kumar alone. He undertook the job lovingly and performed it almost single-handed. Several people had come forward to donate rice, fruits, vegetables and other materials, but, he did not agree to their requests. The expenditure for conducting this Yajna involves a large amount of money. He went round all alone and arranged for the materials for conducting this Yajna. I wish that every state should have such dedicated sevadal leaders. He is doing a lot of service. I am very happy about his service. He spurned all offers of help for conducting this Yajna saying “Sai is with me; He alone will help me.” He was married ten years ago. Both he and his wife are in the service of Swami. When the proposal to conduct this Yajna was placed before Me, I asked them “Dear ones! You propose to conduct this Athi Rudra Yajna in Prasanthi Nilayam. Do you wish to have a son?” They replied in one voice that that was not their desire and motive for their prayer. Then I enquired what else they wished to have. Their reply was “Swami! We want you only!” I have not heard such a reply so far from any couple. True to his name, Vinay Kumar is doing a lot of good work, with love and humility. His father was an Income Tax Commissioner. He was a colleague of Laxminarayana. Even now, Vinay is associated with Laxminarayana. Vinay Kumar treats him as his own father. There should be many more such souls which should be increasing. When the leaders are good and competent, the whole world will run smoothly. Unfortunately, today, the world has come to this sad state due to lack of proper leadership. There should be good leaders in all fields - Education, Politics, Religion, Spirituality, etc. But, nowadays you rarely find good leaders in any field. Wherever you see, every human endeavour is polluted with the craze for money. Everything is business. However, Sri Sathya Sai Organisations have no such problems. Everything is free in our organisations. Education from 1st standard to the Ph.D. level is totally free. Same is the case with our Hospitals. Our General Hospitals and Super Speciality Hospitals are providing medical services totally free of cost. The hospitals outside charge three to four lakhs of rupees for performing a heart operation. How can the poor people mobilise such a huge amount? It is beyond their means. The medical services including the specialist services are totally free in our hospitals. The poor people come to our Hospitals for treatment, having not even a rupee in their pockets and return to their places completely cured of their diseases. We should render all services free of cost. I wish that all our Sevadal and college students should render free service. Then only they will be able to attain Swami’s grace. A word of caution - you may forget anything, but you should never forget chanting the divine name.Embodiments of Love! The Athi Rudra Maha Yajna is great, most sacred and highly efficacious. The lives of the people who perform this Yajna, will be sanctified. There will be eleven Ritwiks performing the rituals at each Homakunda. There are eleven such Homakundas. Thus, there will be 121 Ritwiks in all performing the various rituals in this Yajna. For each Homakunda, there will be one person-in charge, who will look after everything concerning the rituals. Thus, all people connected with the Yajna work in unison to make the Yajna a success. It is only by unity, anything can be achieved. From unity comes purity and Divinity manifests from purity. Hence, all should conduct themselves as brothers and sisters. If, for any reason you get angry on a particular occasion, consider anger as your enemy and get rid of it. The Kama (desire), Krodha (anger), Lobha (greed), Moha (delusion), Mada (pride) and Matsarya (jealously) are the six enemies that trouble the human being. Embodiments of Divine Self!You are not ordinary human beings, you are Embodiments of Divine Self, verily. Each individual is given a particular name for the purpose of identification. But, you are all Embodiments of Divine Self, not mere human beings. I wish that all of you should lead a happy, peaceful, contented and blissful life. You will not be able to lead such a life, if you are not really devoted. Hence, develop devotion Bangaru! (golden ones!) you must be immersed in devotion, not deep ocean. It is only such devotion that takes you to the Divine.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Tips for a happy living....

1) The choice you make today will usually affect tomorrow.
2) Anger is a condition in which the tongue works faster than the mind.
3)You can't change the past, but you can ruin the present by worrying over the future.
4)Love...and you shall be loved. God always gives His best to those who leave the choice with Him.
5)A hug is a great gift... one size fits all. It can be given for any occasion and it's easy to exchange.
6)Everyone needs to be loved... especially when they do not deserve it.
7)The real measure of a man's wealth is what he has invested in eternity.
8)Laughter is God's unshine. Everyone has beauty but not everyone sees it.
9)It's important for parents to live the same things they teach.
10)If you fill your heart with regrets of yesterday and the worries of tomorrow, you have no today to be thankful for.
11)Man looks at outward appearance but the Lord looks within.
12)Take time to laugh, for it is the music of the soul.
13)If anyone speaks badly of you, live so no one will believe it.
14)Patience is the ability to idle your motor when you feel like stripping your gears.
15)Love is strengthened by working through conflicts together.
16)The best thing parents can do for their children is to love each other.
17)Harsh words break no bones but they do break hearts.
18)To get out of a difficulty, one usually must go through it.
19)We take for granted the things that we should be giving thanks for.
20)Love is the only thing that can be divided without being diminished.
21)Happiness is enhanced by others but does not depend upon others.
22)For every minute you are angry with someone, you lose 60 seconds of happiness that you can never get back.
23)Do what you can, for whom you can, with what you have, wherever you are.
24)All people smile in the same language
25)Thank God for what you have, TRUST GOD for what you need.

HE is watching.....

There was a little boy visiting his grandparents on their farm. He was given a slingshot to play with out in the woods. He Practiced in the woods, but he could never hit the target. Getting A little discouraged, he headed back for dinner. As he was Walking back he saw Grandma's pet duck. Just out of impulse, he let the slingshot fly, hit the duck Square in the head, and killed it. He was shocked and grieved. In a panic, he hid the dead duck in the wood pile, only to see His sister watching! Sally had seen it all, but she said nothing. After lunch the next day Grandma said, " Sally, let's wash the Dishes." But Sally said, "Grandma, Johnny told me he wanted to help in The kitchen." Then she whispered to him, " Remember the duck?" So Johnny did the dishes. Later that day, Grandpa asked if the children wanted to go Fishing and Grandma said, "I'm sorry but I need Sally to help make Supper." Sally just smiled and said," Well that's all right because Johnny told Me he wanted to help." She whispered again, "Remember the duck?" So Sally Went fishing and Johnny stayed to help. After several days of Johnny doing both his chores and Sally's, He finally couldn't stand it any longer. He came to Grandma and confessed that he had killed the duck. Grandma knelt down, gave him a hug, and said, "Sweetheart, I know. You see, I was standing at the window and I saw the whole thing, but because I love you, I forgave you. I was just wondering how long You would let Sally make a slave of you." Thought for the day and every day thereafter? Whatever is in your past, whatever you have done... And the devil Keeps throwing it up in your face (lying, cheating, debt, fear, bad Habits, hatred, anger, bitterness, etc.) ....whatever it is....You need to know that God was standing at the window and He saw the whole thing..... He has seen your whole life. He wants you to know that He loves you and that you are forgiven. He's just wondering how long you will let the devil make U a slave.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

GOD,speak to me.

The man whispered, "God, speak to me." And a meadowlark sang.But, the man did not hear.
Then the man yelled "God, speak to me." Thunder rolled across the sky.But, the man did not listen.The man looked around and said, "God, let me see you."And the stars shined brightly.But the man did not notice. And, the man shouted, "God, show me a miracle." And, a life was born.But the man did not know.So, the man cried out in despair, "Touch me God, and let me know you are here." Where upon, God reached down and touched the man.But, the man brushed the butterfly away and walked on.

So remember, don't miss out on a blessing because itisn't packaged the way that you expect.Take notice of the blessings around you.Every thing that comes to you is a gift of god accept it as it comes. Dont expect,leave it to his will and he will give you what ever you need.

swami's discourse

Parama Pavana maina Bharata vani Yandu
(in this most sacred Land of Bharat)
Sahana manmade manaku chakka danamu
(tolerance is our real beauty)
vratamu lanniti yandu vane ganchina Yatti Ghana Sathya sheelame kathina tapamu
(out of all the rituals, Penance, ADHERENCE to truth is real penance)
madhura bhavambedi mana desa mandanna matru bhavamu kanna manya meddi
(what is most sweet thing about this country is love for mother)
pranambu kantenu manambe ghanamanu mana desa neethini manta galipi
( virtue is most important than one’s own life and this priniciple is being ignored)
neti kichiri Paradesha Neetula Rasi vese vichitra swetcha anu vichu kathe
(due to westernization in the name of freedom)
enugu etla tana balamu eruga ledo attu lainaru mana bharatheeyulu nedu
just as the elephant is unaware of its strength, Indians have come down to the level of elephant.

Embodiments of love
Indians are very fortunate, this land is land of sacrifice,merit,spirituality… such a country, Indians are not understanding the greatness of Bharat… if an elephant waves its tail it can throw a person 9feet away.. such an elephant is controlled by a human.. not knowing its strength, elephant is slave to humans…

This body is bound to fall one day or the other, the indweller is permanent..He has no beginning nor end… He is God himself.. realize this truth… this body is just an iron box…the power present in this body is not present any where….Truth is PERMANENT… you can just experience it but cant see it.. Truth is God, God is wisdom,he is endless..

Everything is born out of truth, and merges in truth…there is no place without truth…you will find truth every where nothing is Mithya (illusion), but man is carried away by out ward beauty… Man has to realize this TRUTH.. Man has to uphold TRUTH.. There is no place without TRUTH…Sathya is the foundation for the mansion of Dharma.So control your senses and give up body attachement. Merely relying on bookish knowledge is paving way for forgetting the TRUTH…Ignoring the Truth, we are follwing the senses…Mind can run any distance in seconds.. Mind has to be put in control…MIND IS LIKE A MAD MONKEY… BODY IS A WATER BUBBLE.. by believing the mind and body, Man is RUINING his life.. the day when you give up body attachment and control your sense and realize the Atma tatva.. that day you will be God himself.. You are not MANAVA(Man) are MADHAVA (God)… You have taken a form of human being, as long as you move about in this world, you wil be called by the name given to you by your parents… this is just ACTING.. the moment you leave this body you get another name and another form..

You have to make use of this Human life.. all your learning, degrees are MOMENTARY…. And they vanish the moment you leave your body.. first of all realize the REAL TRUTH.. the TRUTH.. IAM NOT THE BODY.. if any one asks you Who are You?.. you respond to a person basing on your body and your name.. if your name is Ram das, and when any one calls you you say YES I am Ram das. Who gave you this name?… You didn’t have name when you were born…its just a name given to you by your parents…

When Rama was named by Vasishta, he was named Rama Chandra.., only few people realized Rama’s divinity….You should have forbearance… other wise you are not human being at all.. Love your mother…today do you find any one respecting their mother? That day when Rama was going to Janaka Maharaja(Sita’s Father), he took blessings from His mother….She blessed Rama to be successful and victorious…Because of that mother’s blessings, Rama was successful.. Janaka was a learned man.. he fell at the feet of Rama…and asked Rama to marry Sita.. though Janaka asked Rama, Rama didn’t agree….. TODAY’S BOYS ARE NOT LIKE THAT.... They jump in joy the moment theIr marriage is fixed and start printing wedding cards and distribute them to all…But Rama said, we are four brothers, Rama, Lakshmana, Bharata and Satrugna…so the four should be married same day, same time…Though the marriage to Sita was fixed, Rama never looked at Sita…Today’s children are not like that.. after engagement they go to movies.. this is NOT THE RIGHT ATTITUDE.. He never looked at Sita.. after getting consent from His father, Dasaratha.. He accepted to marry sita, still He didn’t look at Sita..

SITA RAMA WEDDING:While the marriage was going on, Sita was supposed to garland Rama first… Rama yet didn’t look at her.. because, “she is not my wife.. she is another women.. how can I look at another woman?its worst of the sins”… Rama was very tall.. and Sita couldn’t garland Him….. Rama didn’t bent before Sita and Sita didn’t garland Rama….. All the people assembled were looking at each other with curiosity….. then Rama looked at Lakshmana.. and Lakshmana said, Brother! first you touch the feet of our mother.. Rama took blessings from mother, and to do this Rama bend, and immediately Sita put the garland around Him…
This way the marriage was conducted.. those ages are the real ages.. Today, boy s and girls, don’t stick to such moral values..

Always listen to elders, respect them.. Then only there will be peace in your lives..When they went to forest, for 14 years. Sita followed to forest as she considered her husband as God, as life…one day when Rama and sita were sitting under a tree and were in conversation, Lakshmana left the place.. he walked a long distance.. then Lakshmana had bad thoughts.. he thought, Brother, why should we suffer like this? Lets go back to Ayodhya.. Why should Sita suffer?.. Rama called Lakshmana and said, its not your mistake.. it s the effect of the place… this is a place where demons move so you have demonic qualities.. this is not your behaviour….. there after Lakshmana transformed and lived with Rama and Sita for 14 years

…Ramayana is the HEART of India.. for all the difficulties we face today is just because of losing values.. even if you are in mountains, in the river, invillage, in town, God WILL COME TO YOUR RESCUE.. those who know the nature of God will EXPERIENCE THE TRUTH.. The spark of God is present in every one of us.. We are the sparK of the divine.. we are GOD… If you say, I am son of SO AND SO, son-in-law of SO AND SO.. brother-in-law of SO AND SO….... YOU WILL REMAIN SO AND SO ONLY…

Embodiments of Love
You all are good children.. but because of environment, and also food habits you are becoming bad…. Have good friends TELL ME YOUR COMPANY I SHALL TELL YOU WHAT YOU ARE… So you should join GOOD COMPANY…Join good company, get a good name.. BE GOOD DO GOOD SEE GOOD.. THIS IS THE WAY TO GOD.. Lead your life accordingly For the past 4 days, I AM TROUBLING YOU.. (Prof.Kumar paused for a while, as Students loudly said NO SWAMY!!!!)Swamy continued “you might say NO, but I know… the days to come I will tell you many more things…Lead your life like Rama…Give up bad thoughts.. when bad thoughts come in mind don’t think about them again and again.. as you see, as you talk, bad thoughts come.. JUST IGNORE THEM… Sathya Dharma Shanti Prema are your GOOD FRIENDS… Don’t leave them… then only YOU will be a GOOD BOY..other wise you will be a BAD BOY.. get good name.. to you and to your parents… and make them happy..never disobey your parents.. then only you will earn the MERIT”….

After about 5 mins. .. Swamy gave a short discourse which gave 70mm smiles on all our faces… He said, “ All of you should have a smiling face… smiling doesn’t mean laughing loudly….Swamy continued from His chair, “ I don’t like castor oil faces!!!….Even the scholars who have assembled here are not smiling… the problems with their wives and children are understandable!!!”Thus Swamy ended His divine discourse leaving all of us smiling…
(The above discourse highlights are based on memory and not the official version… )